Sunday, September 19, 2010

build us back

I share this music video with you as a prayer for Haiti. 

I found it over on a Haiti blog I've been following:
As a matter of fact, there are a few things from that blog I would like to share with you at some point; meanwhile, take a look yourself. 

And pray.  Continue to pray for Haiti.  Continue to talk. Don't forget, and don't let your friends forget, either.   For so many people, this is old news.  It's over.  Life has moved on.  Well, if we in the US have not finished rebuilding after 9/11 or Katrina, I'm not sure how it is we think Haiti should have picked up and moved on after far more extensive losses when life was already difficult.   So pray.  Listen to the music and pray, or pray in whatever way you find to do so.  Just don't let it go.

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